
Leadership in The Global Era


Judul : Leadership in The Global Era

Kategori/Subjek/Course: Kewirausahaan/Entrepreneurship

Leadership in the Global Era Leadership vs Management A leader has two main roles: Leadership is Influence (John Maxwell) - It's about influencing others, not forcing them. Before Becoming a Leader, Success is About Growing Yourself. After Becoming a Leader, Success is About Growing Others (Jack Welch). Techniques for Developing Team Potential by Leaders: 1. Change - Leaders must be able to lead change. 2. Dreams - Leaders must build and communicate their dreams to the team. Dreams are built from two elements: passion and experience. 3. Empowerment - Leaders must empower their teams. 4. Modeling - Leaders must lead by example through their actions. 5. Love - Leaders must love their teams to maintain loyalty and work spirit. Workplace Phenomenon: An example from motorcycle sales in a dealership where a good leader can keep employees loyal to the company.